Comments on: Termanology “Tight Pants Are For Girls” (shouts out Wale!!!) Elitaste, Inc. Wed, 27 Jun 2012 20:06:50 -0700 hourly 1 By: SeanAndTheMinivan SeanAndTheMinivan Wed, 04 Feb 2009 05:19:14 +0000 This shout out might be cool if the song wasn't so homophobic. This is such a shame too because Termanology has great skills and he's wasting them on this ignorant bullshit. Does he really not have anything better to bitch about than what someone else chooses to wear?? And let's be honest, I'd rather be dressed like Kanye (minus the fur) than Termanology any day of the week. This whole song is the exact opposite of progress. He actually ends the song by saying, "Fucking faggots..." I shit you not, I cringed. He needs some serious help. PREJUDICE RULES. This shout out might be cool if the song wasn’t so homophobic. This is such a shame too because Termanology has great skills and he’s wasting them on this ignorant bullshit. Does he really not have anything better to bitch about than what someone else chooses to wear?? And let’s be honest, I’d rather be dressed like Kanye (minus the fur) than Termanology any day of the week. This whole song is the exact opposite of progress. He actually ends the song by saying, “Fucking faggots…” I shit you not, I cringed. He needs some serious help. PREJUDICE RULES.
